Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Brighter Side of Remodeling

by Clyde Thomson
So, you love your neighborhood, you love your house, but you need more room, or your kitchen was modeled from the set of Leave it to Beaver.  (I know, I know, avacado appliances and burnt orange walls are coming back).  Do you move? No, remodel!  When you remodel, it is the ultimate gesture or act of recycling.  In essence, what you are doing is recognizing that your house has not outlived its usefulness to you or your family.  You don’t take your aging dog to the pound when she can no longer fetch, do you? No, you buy her a bright new collar and a new water dish. So do not put your house out of its misery either.  After all, you love your house with all of its special quirks and creaks.

But you have heard horror stories about remodeling projects gone awry and you know you do not want to go through that experience.  Let’s face it, no large remodeling project is a walk in the park and we have got to break some two by fours if were are going to tear-out your old kitchen.  The dust, the displacement of your belongings, the gaping hole where your kitchen once stood, are all dis-concerting. The end product however, always overshadows any difficulties or inconveniences caused by the construction process.  Few events in life are as satisfying as walking into your newly completed addition for the first time, or the complements you receive during  your first dinner party after your new kitchen is installed.

The inconveniences begin to fade and the joys of your new living space take over your entire countenance as you begin to sing for the first time in the shower of your new master bathroom.  I am not suggesting that you and your family are going to go running and singing through a meadow in springtime singing like Julie Andrews in Sound of Music. I am suggesting that a remodeling project, done by a professional company, is  always a rewarding and satisfying experience even if the process is stressful.

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